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Mythologie grecque : Phorcys et Céto Fils de Pontos et de Gaia ou d'Océan et de Téthys, Phorcys appartient à la
première génération des dieux; il épousa sa soeur, Céto dont le nom signifie ...
Phorcys - Greek Mythology Phorcys was a primordial god in Greek mythology, son of the Titans Pontus and
Gaea. He was the husband of Ceto, with whom he had a number of children ...
PHORCYS - the Greek God of the Sea (Greek mythology) Jan 10, 2014 ... Godchecker guide to PHORCYS (also known as Phorkys): Old Sea God with
some pretty horrible kids. Phorcys is the Greek God of the Sea and ...
Phorcys and Ceto - Ancient Greece Phorcys and Ceto personified more especially the hidden perils and terrors of the
ocean. They were the parents of the Gorgons, the Græa, and the Dragon ...
Dino Sabatini - Daughter Of Phorcys E.P. (Vinyl) at Discogs Find a Dino Sabatini - Daughter Of Phorcys E.P. first pressing or reissue.
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